Do These 3 Things EVERY Morning!

                                                                    Yoga, Strength, People, Woman                                                                                            the morning is the most important part

of the day when you win the morning you
have a better chance of winning the
afternoon and the evening - the first
thing you should do every morning is to
drink water 70% of your body is made of
water so it's essential to keep it fresh
and topped up to keep the body working
properly during sleep you typically
haven't been drinking for about seven to
eight hours or even longer giving the
body water first when you wake up is a
great way to get your body and your mind
going we suggest you to drink about one
to two glasses of fresh water and if you
want you can add some lemon to it lemon
contains vitamin C which supports brain
function your immune system and boosts
your mood on top of that it just tastes
better than normal water the second
thing you should do is a simple
three-minute mobility routine when
waking up your body is usually a bit
stiff doing mobility exercises in the
morning will warm up and mobilize the
muscles lubricate your joints and
increases your brain functions -
exercising in general improves your mood
your physical and mental energy and
enhances your metabolism you start in a
deep squat and hold it for about 30
seconds if you like you can add some
smooth motion to it after that you do
the downward dog to cobra pose for 60
seconds straight repeat this one more
time and you are done with your morning
mobility training when you do the deep
squat go as steep as possible without
losing the tension keep your heels on
the ground and duct your thighs keep
your spine straight tuck your chin and
pull your shoulder blades together the
most benefit will come from small
additional movements like reaching up
with one of both arms circling your
knees tilting your upper body forward
and so on
when you do the downward dog to cobra
pose you start in the downward dog
position and try to move your armpits to
watch your toes as far as possible you
can also add rotations and shoulder
movements in this position to stretch
the lats and your Bleek's and activate
the muscles around your shoulder blades
from there you switch to the push-up
position with a rounded spine and
continue the transition with the cobra
pose and the next ended spine in this
way you mobilize the spine and activate
all the muscles around it in the cobra
pose itself you can also add some
shoulder and shoulder blade movements to
warm up and mobilize this area as well
the last thing you should do every
morning is eating a healthy breakfast on
the other hand it's also possible to
skip the breakfast for example when you
do intermittent fasting depending on how
you eat in general and what you plan for
the day you can benefit from both
options a good start for the day are
oats with water or milk and some fruits
oats have a lot of important minerals
and vitamins they improve your gut
functions and are a good non
animal-based protein source the complex
carbohydrates are digested slowly and
don't raise a blood sugar levels too
quickly fruits and especially berries
are very good to give your body further
important nutrients like vitamins and
antioxidants secondary plant components
back to mobility if you like the routine
from this video and want more of it you
need to check out our mobility program
and of course we also offer a solution
for nutrition our nutrition toolbox
helps you to create your own nutrition
program just like you want it and if you
find out that it's not the right way of
eating for you you can just change it
anytime and adapt it to your preferences
if you have any further questions just
leave a comment thanks Alex


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